Monday, December 01, 2008

Off to the Taiping!

I've been to Taiping Zoo a few times now, but I haven't been posting any photos of from my animal collection. Here are some shots taken from a trip to Taiping Zoo somewhere in October 2008.

Alamak! It's her again ar? many times wanna snap my photo?

Why so hard to chew one?

All ruffled up.

Bare Naked Ladies

Am Bank Ma

This reminds me of a really fat black rapper...Mary J. Blidge, maybe?


Anybody wanna donate a polarizer? *wink wink* Notice the reflection on the body sikit..hehe.

Gotcha! (Lion thought no one was looking at him doing faces at the tourists)

Ahh~ Muddy goodness!


Huey said...

Ooo I like the one with the tiger swimming!

Angie said...

hey i like the tiger's pic too.
very attractive...

Mayki said...

Thanx! I was actually caught off-guard when the tiger went for a swim. It was actually chasing a biawak :P If I knew it sooner ar, the picture would have been clearer..aihh..

Extreme Power said...

I am a Tiger but like the Lion picture. Nice... More taiping food here lah. It will take you few days just nice to finish off the food and visiting.