Monday, August 31, 2009

A Stopover @ Mount Tomah Botanic Garden

On the way to Blue Mountains, my Aunt n Uncle decided to have a little stopover at Mount Tomah Botanic Garden. Everything about this place is aboriginal. Of course, being in a First World Country, you get educated everywhere you go. Names of flowers and plants are everywhere, together with every single information that can be cramped into a piece of board. But overall, I'm really glad we came to this place. The scenery was just breathtaking! Here's Part 1...

According to this clock, I took this picture at 12.50pm (which is about right).

A piece of brain lying around on the ground.

Yes Mom, I did take a picture of myself at the Garden. This is the best angle I can get being behind the camera >.<

Would have loved to shoot that pic without all the trees at the back. But the birds here are extra clever. The second I snapped this pic, this guy heard me n flew away. Hmm...must be the pasta instead of nasi lemak...

One of the places used in the Goblet of Fire tournament...not!

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